


Positive effects of insects in feed

4. April 2018

Insects for more animal health

Insects, known for their high nutrient content can be an appropriate and valuable source in the sector of animal feed. The structure of insects also has a stimulating effect on the generation of microbiota with a positive influence on animal health.

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Clarification on the use of insects in food and feed in North America

26. March 2018

North America: New alliance for information about the use of insects in food and animal feed

The trend for using insects in animal feed is rising – regulatory changes in this area already have taken place in the USA, Canada and the EU. The North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture (NACIA) is pursuing an expansion in using insects in food and animal feed.

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Potential development of an EU protein plan to eradicate protein deficiency

24. March 2018

EU Protein Plan to overcome vegetable protein deficit

In Europe, presently the production of protein plants is not sufficient to meet the demand. Intention, therefore, is the potential development of an EU protein plan.

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Legal basis for insect proteins as feed for poultry and fish

26. February 2018

Hopes for insect proteins in poultry feed

In Europe there is a growing interest in the potential of high-protein insect feed. There is hope that in 2019, the EU commission will give the green light for insect proteins in poultry feed – and perhaps even in pig feed.

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Exploitation of biomass as an alternative source of energy

19. February 2018

Turning Biomass into Energy

Dewatering of sustainable raw materials – Inefficient energetic use of wood, agricultural and forestry residues as well as manure has a strong environmental impact.

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Valuable proteins from soy, rape and sunflower by Reinartz presses

19. February 2018

Valuable Proteins for Livestock

Vegetable proteins from soybeans, rape seed, etc. – The soya plant originating from East Asia provides valuable proteins and essential amino acids. Thus, soya is an important basis for energy-rich animal feed.

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Rice grinding flour as a versatile solution

19. February 2018

Rice bran – An All-Rounder

More than ″just″ a meal … – When processing rice, the outer brown layer of rice grain is polished – leaving the well-known white rice grain and rice bran as secondary raw material.

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Gentle protein recovery from insects with Reinartz

1. December 2017

Animal Proteins – Forecast for 2018

For 2018 an increase in animal protein production is expected. In addition to growing consumer interest, alternative sources of protein are of particular interest to the pet food industry.

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Approval of insects for poultry feed

24. November 2017

Method of authorizing insect food for poultry

Yesterday, the IPIFF conference was opened in Brussels by the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety. After enacting legislation on the use of insect proteins in aquaculture in July, the next step is to expand the approval to poultry feed.

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Legalization of dried insect products for feed in Kenya and Uganda

21. November 2017

Dried insect products for animal feed recently approved in two African countries

Animal feed and feed proteins in particular, provides an enormous challenge when it comes to animal husbandry in many African countries – especially in the field of poultry and fish farming. Searching for an alternative source of protein for Kenia and Uganda the project partners of INSEED were delving into nutrition, microbial safety as well as the efficiency and value of insects for feeding poultry or fish.

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