5. December 2019
Throughout the processes, REINARTZ works like a docked technical department, from whose all-round service performance our customers benefit: thanks to many years of experience in a young industry, due to numerous plant implementations of various sizes and services, based on our leading know-how.
3. December 2019
Qualité, Fabrication, Progrès – our service-team has commissioned another pressing plant including the adaptation of the existing filtration plant in France.
20. November 2019
We are delighted to receive the award from the Hanse Society in 2019. Delegations from politics, business, trade and The Hanseatic Society joined the award ceremony in our production hall and congratulated. It awards the Hanse Price 2019 to a Neuss company that operates successfully with leading know-how, characterized by international, cosmopolitan relations.
11. November 2019
We make sustainability profitable. So far, the pineapple stems and leaves have been left unused on the plantations in Costa Rica: an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes with fatal consequences for agriculture. Cows were so stressed by the plague of mosquitos that they thinned and gave only a little milk. Calves died, only a few were born.
26. September 2019
Insect Proteins
Resource-saving protein production – Both as animal feed and for the human food chain, where insect proteins may officially be processed since 2018. A ground-breaking topic that we have been dealing with for a long time:
26. September 2019
Plant Proteins
Healthy from the field – On the one hand, precious food oil is obtained by gentle cold pressing. By the Reinartz process, all the aromas, essential ingredients and fat-soluble vitamins are retained in their original form during the mechanical processing.
26. September 2019
What are proteins?
Interesting facts about their function – The human body needs proteins. In the course of the body’s own utilisation process proteins are split into their individual amino acids. In the next step, the body now builds up its own proteins of these amino acids – as needed.
18. September 2019
Reinartz Insect Trailer
Reinartz systems are operated worldwide: efficient and reliable. From consulting, to demand-oriented engineering to …
4. September 2019
Insecta 2019
From 05 to 06 September 2019 the international conference “Insecta” will take place in Potsdam.
14. August 2019
Reinartz Image Trailer
Experience, know-how and German engineering skills are in every flick of the wrist of our staff. From the small size screw press to the complete solution for the industry.